Circus Position: Ringmaster
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 23
The younger of the Ferri siblings, Otto is the face of the operation. He works tirelessly as both a lawyer and the circus's ringmaster, with a passion for both. He's often concise with his words, and only says what he needs to.

Circus Position: Former Magician
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 22
A childhood friend of the ringmaster, Archie is a wildcard. He's saccharine and will suck up to anyone, but beneath his jovial exterior lies a snarky and rude personality. He quit the circus to pursue archaeological studies at Gressenheller university, but maintains contact with his friends at the circus.

Circus Position: Strongman
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 26
The older of the Ferri siblings, Jim is stubborn and practical. He tends to be the financial brains of the operation. Once his mind has been set, the only one able to change it is Otto. He previously worked as a construction worker.

Circus Position: Acrobat
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 22
'Sling' of the High-Flying Tingling Twins, Ortwin, is a competitive individual. He gets passionate and fired up easily, and works hard to learn new skills before his partner. The "twins" part of their title is all marketing- neither of them are actually related.

Circus Position: Acrobat
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 22
'Fling' of the High-Flying Tingling Twins, Jackie, is known in the circus for being brutully honest. She's also a bit of a prankster, using her training from clown school to get a leg up on others.

Circus Position: Puppeteer, Costume Designer
Pronouns: She/they
Age: 18
The youngest circus member, 'Punelopy the Puppeteering Prodigy' is an optimistic and theatric addition to the cast. She loves to design outfits, and always makes sure her puppets are in good shape.

Circus Position: Clown
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 37
The senior clown of the circus, 'Bo the Boisterous Buffoon' is an expert in tomfoolery. She excels in telling jokes and juggling, and is often looked up to by members of the circus as a mother figure.

Circus Position: Magician
Pronouns: Ze/zim
Age: 29
The new magician of the circus, Max worked as Archie's understudy, and took over his position after he left the circus. Ze doesn't quite fit in with zis colleagues due to zis timid demeanor, but tries to make the most of it anyway.